Saturday 28 January 2012

Vietnam and Sorry . =D

Bismillahhirahmanirrahim .

Assalamualaikum .
it is 7:00 PM and first of all , I want to let you know that ,
a post that have been posted last night have been deleted since lot of grammar error and spelling error
have been done there and I do regret about my mistakes . I am so sorry and I hope , this post will  make up my mistakes .
So , as the tittle is Vietnam .
Last year , when it was 3/11/2011 - 5/11/2011 , I have  been in Vietnam .

( Airport ) *In Malaysia
I have to say that , Vietnam is so awesome .
We have so much fun there .
The , evironment , the peoples , the price of the stuff that have been sold there are totally reasonable .
Ops ! Almost forgot to tell you . In Vietnam , my family and I have been at Ho Chi Minh city wich was the largest city in Vitnam .
Ho Chi Minh also known as Saigon .
So , let us talk about Saigon and I would love to share some photos of us .
When we were in Saigon ,  the temperature there was totally diffrent compare to Malaysia when it was in the morning . It was totally cool . Well , you need a jacket to wear when you were there .
The environment was totally awesome .
Oh yeah , for your information , most of the population does not use a car .
Most of them prefer to use a motorcycle .
If you are the one who loves motorcycle, it would be great to go there ,because at there , you can see so many types of motorcycle . And no doubt , most of the motorcycles are totally awesome type !

                               ( motorcycles that have been parked infront one of the mall )

The most amazing moment that we have explored there was when we were at Mekong River .
Been there by a boat . The best part is , only us (my family) were on the boat ,  so , we haved
 an amazing time to spend together !
First trip at Mekong , we were being explained how to make candy . step by step .
I have tried my best , but I failed . The candy that I make was totally terrible . ='(
Second , we were being explained how to make some cookies . I have to say that , the cookies was totally awesome and my dad can not stop eating it .
Last trip , we were being served some awesome fruits . The fruits was so tasty ! it was so sweet !

                                                     (my mom and beautiful sister )
we have spend 3 days there with so much fun ! I will never forget each moment that I have spend with my family .
So , that is it with my post . See you with the next post .
Assalamualaikum .

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