Tuesday 17 January 2012

Last Saturday Morning .

Assalamualaikum  .. =D 
well , as you alls know , this in my third post in just a week .
We do have fun sharing our interest in this blog .
so , as the title is ,"Last Saturday Morning ",
2 days ago , Anna and me ,  'having a great time doing our great assignment .
we've been told by our class teacher to make our class timeteble and students duties .
 I think that was fun work to do as the work can release my tension .
Having fun with my Girlfriends is the best moment ever !
So , Anna and me , are the volunteers to take the assignment .
It's is damn cool !
                                          This is Anna . Holding a Pink Paper . =p
Anna , helped a lot . She is cutting , she measuring and so on .
oh yeah , Guess what ? we take about 6 hours to complete the assignment !
we arrive at Balqis's house about 10 am . and went home about 4.30 !
my parents kindda shock  ! but they are such a good parents ever !
Such an understanding parents . They do .
So , about luch huh ? wellll ,..
My great Balqis surved such an awesome noodle,sweet oranges and a jug of syrup !
the noodles ! the fried noodle is totally awesome! wich I did not take a picture of it ! hehe

                                                               Awesome !
So , Anna and me , went to Balqis's house  by Anna's father car .
we have a cool carpool .  Care for the environment . Well I think so . hehe !
so , above are few pictures that I have taked .
Big hug for the such seksy model . Anna .
Perfect Effort !

TADAA !  what ? my name ? sweeping the floor ?
ohh ! great .. then .. ==' ( DAMN )

So , I have a class tomorrow . my homework is not ready yet . pity me . hehe
yeah . my post end here .
Got to sleep .
Assalamualikum !

1 comment:

  1. wah ! cute nya kkak ku dua org ni , :PP (sdah ak komen) :)
