Tuesday 24 January 2012

Semporna is polluted !!

Assalamualaikum people ! haha .. ok .. yesterday, me and my family went to Semporna .. we go there because we want to relax our mind .. it was a very rainy day there .. we were hoping to see some nice and clear like this when we arrive there ...

(this one was taken long time ago.. well, not really that long but,, naaah.. just forget it
                                                            and just take look at it)

well, guess what .. the water at the island was filled with rubbish !! well, maybe not all, but the water where the fish was kept was totally full with rubbish .. take a look at this picture ..
(sorry ! the quality image of this photo is so bad ,, but still you can see the rubbish..) 
 i think, our trip there was such a waste, because what we see was rubbish !! i hope the management of the island will take action against the people that polluted the island .. i also hope that people that polluted the island will realize that, what they are doing, will bring harm to the marine life there .. i hope the next time i visit the island, the condition of it will get better ,, not worse !! hehe .. well, that's it from me now .. gotta go !! my stomach is singing right now .. hehe .. have a nice day !! :)


  1. Agree . The management of the island should take an action as soon as posible . nice blog then .

  2. agree .
    the management of the island must take an action
    for the good in future soon
    because the island at semporna is
    one of the reasons foreign tourists visit our country
    but now, when the island was polluted,
    i don't think so foreign tourists would come to our country again
    and the number of foreign tourists as well as decreased.
    so me too hope so that the management of island
    would take an action as soon as possible :)

  3. Semporna is an island? Since when? Err... or do I miss-read? Need clarification here... Thanks!
