Tuesday 24 January 2012

The Superb Vlogger


Assalamualaikum . hollow !
now , 11.41 pm .
And me . here . on my lovely sofa , seriously don't know what to do .
so , i decide to update some post here .
My Idol . yes ! my superb idol !

Yeah . sorry . I stole this cute picture from his facebook . not stole actually .
emm . I TOOK it ! yes ! right .
now , this is Anwar Hadi . This kid is him when he was .. em . I totally dont know how old he is in this picture but , yeah ,. this is him . eh-2 , I know lahh . hehe !
so , Anwar Hadi is my favourite vlogger . He is active by posting videos in Youtube .
no doubt , I keep watching it ! again and again !
and no lie , he is so handsome .
and the most important part , most of his video is in English language . cool right !
His English is totally awesome !
click here to see his video =D
right ? so , when I see his videos , totally it was like 2 in 1
i can have fun beside I can improve my English .
his pronounsation ! was extra awesome !
The part that I love the most about him is ,
every video that he made , there is a message in it !
no ! not that kind of massage .
I mean like , some usefull massage . I like it the most !
Oh My God ! I ADORE YOU ANWAR HADI ! hehe ! =D
By the way , for me , my favourite video by him was this ,
My Favourite Video ! Check it Out !
*this video consist malay languange . but I love it !
now , enough about HIM ,
lets talk about HER ,

yes ! that girl !
I bet probably , some of you does not know who is she
and get a shock !
like "what ?her ? idol ? " " Got to be kidding me " or even .. "HAHAHAHA !"
yeah . I do can read your mind . no ! im just kidding !
okey . okey . back to the main topic .
this is beautiful Tengku Fatin Fadzil !
and she inspire me ! like really !
For your infornation , 
first time I saw her was on Youtube .
this is the first video that I watched about 1 month ago that make me fall in love !
click it and end you'll enjoy !
*sorry . the languange is not to proper enough and it is malay video .
she is an active vlogger . I really like it !
not that kind of like ! I mean , I like those videos that she has made .
she does not just makes a video !
she tell what she feels by using a video and upload all the videos in a youtube !
for me , that was totally awesome ! she was a girl in an extra brave !
she is a girl , and she proved that a girl can do anything ! brave !
you should watch her videos .
like , right now ! yes ! there ! now ! now ! now ! Youtube now !
not just that , I like her style .
the way she look . simple .
she was like " Do I care ?"
she wears what ever she want! that is the most part that I love !
She is so .. "Stylo"
enough then .  assalamualaikum .
have a good night . or ,.. good day teachers , peeps , sister , mom , pa ,and .. readers ! =D


  1. spelling error.. 'Massage' (urut). It should be 'message' (mesej)... oops!

  2. i've watched Tengku Fatin's video 'lu dara lu kolot'... and started to think that we have very sensitive and creative teens around. Hope you'll be like them! Yeah!

    1. i hope so ! =D
      wops ! thanks for the comment about my spelling error . my mistake .
