Saturday 28 January 2012

This is what I'll get !

Assalamualaikum .
Well , last night , I had some conversation with my parents about my PMR wich I become a little excited about it .
Well , suddenly last night , my father asked me what I wish to have as a present if a get an excellent result . Insyaallah .
So , I tought my father was playing around by asking me that question .Then , I told my father that I wish I could have Apple-iPhone 4S. Then I laugh . Actually , I am just kidding .
After I finished my laugh , suddenly my father said "OK . Deal ." and walked away .
Ok ! I have to say that , my father is kindda serious on that time .
I am so excited !
iPhone 4S is one of my wishlist !
The reasons why I want to get that phone desperately are ,

Dual-core A5 chip.
The most powerful iPhone ever.

Two cores in the A5 chip deliver up to two times more power and up to seven times faster graphics.2 And you’ll feel the effects. Fast. iPhone 4S is quick and responsive, which makes all the difference when you’re launching apps, browsing the web, gaming, and doing just about everything. And no matter what you’re doing, you can keep on doing it. Because the A5 chip is so power-efficient, iPhone 4S has outstanding battery life.

De awesome camera !

This just might be the best camera ever on a phone. And with all-new optics, it just might be the only camera you need. Because behind every shot, you’ve got 8-megapixel resolution and a custom lens with a larger f/2.4 aperture. Not to mention an improved backside illumination sensor, excellent auto white balance, advanced color accuracy, face detection, and reduced motion blur. It all means that no matter how many people, how much light, and how much action you capture, everything looks exactly as it should. And just wait until you see the photos.

Video recording. In 1080p amazing HD.

Shoot stunning 1080p HD video everywhere you go. With all-new optics, the light is always right, the color is always vivid, and everything will look even better than you remember. Video stabilization steadies shaky shots. And you can edit video right on iPhone and share your lush life as fast as you shoot.

iCloud. Your content. On all your devices.

iCloud is the easiest way to manage all your stuff, because it manages it all for you. iCloud stores your music, photos, apps, mail, contacts, calendars, documents, and more. And wirelessly pushes them to all your devices. It’s automatic, effortless, and seamless. And it just works

And the best thing about this gadget is ,

FaceTime. oh yeah .

FaceTime lets you hear a voice and see the face that goes with it . iPhone to iPhone, iPad 2, iPod touch, or Mac over Wi-Fi.5 So no matter where they are, no matter where you are, you’ll always be there. Making a FaceTime call is just as easy as making a phone call. And it’s even easier with Siri. Just tell Siri “FaceTime with Mom” and you show up, smile, and wave hello. You’ll never miss a big event, an important meeting, or a good laugh. Totally awesome !

Well , I hope my dream will come true . Insyaallah . =D

Vietnam and Sorry . =D

Bismillahhirahmanirrahim .

Assalamualaikum .
it is 7:00 PM and first of all , I want to let you know that ,
a post that have been posted last night have been deleted since lot of grammar error and spelling error
have been done there and I do regret about my mistakes . I am so sorry and I hope , this post will  make up my mistakes .
So , as the tittle is Vietnam .
Last year , when it was 3/11/2011 - 5/11/2011 , I have  been in Vietnam .

( Airport ) *In Malaysia
I have to say that , Vietnam is so awesome .
We have so much fun there .
The , evironment , the peoples , the price of the stuff that have been sold there are totally reasonable .
Ops ! Almost forgot to tell you . In Vietnam , my family and I have been at Ho Chi Minh city wich was the largest city in Vitnam .
Ho Chi Minh also known as Saigon .
So , let us talk about Saigon and I would love to share some photos of us .
When we were in Saigon ,  the temperature there was totally diffrent compare to Malaysia when it was in the morning . It was totally cool . Well , you need a jacket to wear when you were there .
The environment was totally awesome .
Oh yeah , for your information , most of the population does not use a car .
Most of them prefer to use a motorcycle .
If you are the one who loves motorcycle, it would be great to go there ,because at there , you can see so many types of motorcycle . And no doubt , most of the motorcycles are totally awesome type !

                               ( motorcycles that have been parked infront one of the mall )

The most amazing moment that we have explored there was when we were at Mekong River .
Been there by a boat . The best part is , only us (my family) were on the boat ,  so , we haved
 an amazing time to spend together !
First trip at Mekong , we were being explained how to make candy . step by step .
I have tried my best , but I failed . The candy that I make was totally terrible . ='(
Second , we were being explained how to make some cookies . I have to say that , the cookies was totally awesome and my dad can not stop eating it .
Last trip , we were being served some awesome fruits . The fruits was so tasty ! it was so sweet !

                                                     (my mom and beautiful sister )
we have spend 3 days there with so much fun ! I will never forget each moment that I have spend with my family .
So , that is it with my post . See you with the next post .
Assalamualaikum .

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Semporna is polluted !!

Assalamualaikum people ! haha .. ok .. yesterday, me and my family went to Semporna .. we go there because we want to relax our mind .. it was a very rainy day there .. we were hoping to see some nice and clear like this when we arrive there ...

(this one was taken long time ago.. well, not really that long but,, naaah.. just forget it
                                                            and just take look at it)

well, guess what .. the water at the island was filled with rubbish !! well, maybe not all, but the water where the fish was kept was totally full with rubbish .. take a look at this picture ..
(sorry ! the quality image of this photo is so bad ,, but still you can see the rubbish..) 
 i think, our trip there was such a waste, because what we see was rubbish !! i hope the management of the island will take action against the people that polluted the island .. i also hope that people that polluted the island will realize that, what they are doing, will bring harm to the marine life there .. i hope the next time i visit the island, the condition of it will get better ,, not worse !! hehe .. well, that's it from me now .. gotta go !! my stomach is singing right now .. hehe .. have a nice day !! :)

The Superb Vlogger


Assalamualaikum . hollow !
now , 11.41 pm .
And me . here . on my lovely sofa , seriously don't know what to do .
so , i decide to update some post here .
My Idol . yes ! my superb idol !

Yeah . sorry . I stole this cute picture from his facebook . not stole actually .
emm . I TOOK it ! yes ! right .
now , this is Anwar Hadi . This kid is him when he was .. em . I totally dont know how old he is in this picture but , yeah ,. this is him . eh-2 , I know lahh . hehe !
so , Anwar Hadi is my favourite vlogger . He is active by posting videos in Youtube .
no doubt , I keep watching it ! again and again !
and no lie , he is so handsome .
and the most important part , most of his video is in English language . cool right !
His English is totally awesome !
click here to see his video =D
right ? so , when I see his videos , totally it was like 2 in 1
i can have fun beside I can improve my English .
his pronounsation ! was extra awesome !
The part that I love the most about him is ,
every video that he made , there is a message in it !
no ! not that kind of massage .
I mean like , some usefull massage . I like it the most !
Oh My God ! I ADORE YOU ANWAR HADI ! hehe ! =D
By the way , for me , my favourite video by him was this ,
My Favourite Video ! Check it Out !
*this video consist malay languange . but I love it !
now , enough about HIM ,
lets talk about HER ,

yes ! that girl !
I bet probably , some of you does not know who is she
and get a shock !
like "what ?her ? idol ? " " Got to be kidding me " or even .. "HAHAHAHA !"
yeah . I do can read your mind . no ! im just kidding !
okey . okey . back to the main topic .
this is beautiful Tengku Fatin Fadzil !
and she inspire me ! like really !
For your infornation , 
first time I saw her was on Youtube .
this is the first video that I watched about 1 month ago that make me fall in love !
click it and end you'll enjoy !
*sorry . the languange is not to proper enough and it is malay video .
she is an active vlogger . I really like it !
not that kind of like ! I mean , I like those videos that she has made .
she does not just makes a video !
she tell what she feels by using a video and upload all the videos in a youtube !
for me , that was totally awesome ! she was a girl in an extra brave !
she is a girl , and she proved that a girl can do anything ! brave !
you should watch her videos .
like , right now ! yes ! there ! now ! now ! now ! Youtube now !
not just that , I like her style .
the way she look . simple .
she was like " Do I care ?"
she wears what ever she want! that is the most part that I love !
She is so .. "Stylo"
enough then .  assalamualaikum .
have a good night . or ,.. good day teachers , peeps , sister , mom , pa ,and .. readers ! =D

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Last Saturday Morning .

Assalamualaikum  .. =D 
well , as you alls know , this in my third post in just a week .
We do have fun sharing our interest in this blog .
so , as the title is ,"Last Saturday Morning ",
2 days ago , Anna and me ,  'having a great time doing our great assignment .
we've been told by our class teacher to make our class timeteble and students duties .
 I think that was fun work to do as the work can release my tension .
Having fun with my Girlfriends is the best moment ever !
So , Anna and me , are the volunteers to take the assignment .
It's is damn cool !
                                          This is Anna . Holding a Pink Paper . =p
Anna , helped a lot . She is cutting , she measuring and so on .
oh yeah , Guess what ? we take about 6 hours to complete the assignment !
we arrive at Balqis's house about 10 am . and went home about 4.30 !
my parents kindda shock  ! but they are such a good parents ever !
Such an understanding parents . They do .
So , about luch huh ? wellll ,..
My great Balqis surved such an awesome noodle,sweet oranges and a jug of syrup !
the noodles ! the fried noodle is totally awesome! wich I did not take a picture of it ! hehe

                                                               Awesome !
So , Anna and me , went to Balqis's house  by Anna's father car .
we have a cool carpool .  Care for the environment . Well I think so . hehe !
so , above are few pictures that I have taked .
Big hug for the such seksy model . Anna .
Perfect Effort !

TADAA !  what ? my name ? sweeping the floor ?
ohh ! great .. then .. ==' ( DAMN )

So , I have a class tomorrow . my homework is not ready yet . pity me . hehe
yeah . my post end here .
Got to sleep .
Assalamualikum !

Sunday 15 January 2012

Easy match for him

what an easy win for chong wei in the Maybank Malaysia open 2012. he beats the Japanese player, Kenichi Tago in just 37 minutes !! he won the match in just two straight games 21-6, 21-13. he didn't have to push his limits to win this match. as the champion, he won rm 102000. wow ! that's a lot amount of money ! another title for him that makes us, as malaysian proud. before reaching the final, he beats Chen Long of China. he won the match after facing three challenging games. meanwhile Lin Dan, Chong Wei's old time rival has been defeated in the earlier round. since all the China players are gone, Chong Wei stands a high chance to win. then once again, he prove that he is the best. it is also obvious that Kenichi Tago is still behind Chong Wei in terms of skills for a real good badminton match. Chong Wei wins it easily. i think it would be better if the final is between Chong Wei and Lin Dan. it's going to be a real awesome, incredible match. anyway, Chong Wei wins and it's the eight Malaysia Open championship for him. congratulations, Chong Wei !

Ferrari 2012

edo competition enzo XX evolution

Over the next three years, Ferrari will introduce a new 458 Spider, Ferrari Enzo "special series", and four other new models. The cars have been announced by Fiat and Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne at a press conference earlier today.

The 458 drop-top and an all-new 612 Scaglietti with a V12 engine are scheduled for next year. Referred to internally as the F151, the 612 Scaglietti may also be shown off as a hybrid model.

Marchionne also announced a "new special series Enzo" would join the all-new 599 GTB Fiorano (a.k.a. the F152) on the 2012 marketplace. This will be followed up with a significant California Facelift, or as it is called inside the company, the "California M." Also due for 2013 is a suped-up 458 Scuderia.

Look for both Ferrari and Maserati to make each of their models rather distinct, practically creating sub-brands within the two companies. Sister automaker Maserati is also expected to release two new models, slotted below the GranTurismo, before 2015.

Read more: http://www.worldcarfans.com/110042125796/2012-ferrari-enzo-special-series-announced-five-new-models#ixzz1jYF8i0zl