Sunday 5 February 2012

Free Palestine~~

Assalamualaikum ..
Ok.. yesterday, i watch the news on TV3.. there’s an interview with the founder of VIVA Palestina, George Galloway .. the interview is about the war in Palestine,,, i guess .. hehe .. if you watch it, well that’s good but if you don’t, take a look at this ..
This is what he say during the interview ; “ i don’t think Israel should exist, so obviously i don’t want them to have nuclear weapons but as we know, they have hundreds of nuclear weapons and is endlessly rewarded. Iran doesn’t have any nuclear weapons and is openly being threatened of invasion and war, and is already suffering  because of restrictions. Now how’s that for a double standard ? “
If you want to hear more about the interview, click here- TV3 interview with George Galloway
Yap .. this is what he say during the interviews .. i think, the Israel should just free Palestine .. the people in the  country is suffering so much because of the war .. besides, why would they want to have war with Palestine ? i don’t see any good reason about that .. if they want war because of security, well that’s silly, cause what they’re doing right now, doesn’t guaranty any safety to the Palestine people .. well actually, i don’t really understand about what this war is all about because, i’m not too interested in politics .. hehe ..  i don’t know much about this issue, so i can’t write more about it,, but what i know, i am supporting the efforts to free Palestine .. just like Messi ! :)

huh !! he's my idol ..                                                                                                      

i hope you guys are supporting this effort as well .. hehe .. :) 
well,, i guess that's all for tonight .. i'm going off to bed now .. bye ! ;)                                                                      

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post! This war is not about security like what Israel had claim. It is all about religious issue and most of what happened are well written in Quran. If you watch "Kingdom of Heaven" you might find a clue.
