Sunday 19 February 2012

The First~

Assalamualikum and hi ..
Ok .. now i want tto share about our first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman ..
before that, i want to share something about the name RAHMAN .. 
did you know that it's an acronym ? let me show you ..
R- Rahman (Tunku Abdul Rahman)
A- Abdul Razak (Tun Abdul Razak)
H- Hussein Onn (Tun Hussein Onn)
M- Mahathir (Tun Mahathir Mohamad)
A- Abdullah (Tun Abdullah Badawi)
N- Najib (Dato' Seri Najib Razak
See ?? it's an acronym of our prime ministers name .. hehe .. it's an easy way to remember our prime ministers .. haha ! ok . now lets go to Tunku Abdul Rahman's biography .. 
                                                          Tunku Abdul Rahman

Tunku Abdul Rahman is born on February 8 1903, in Alor Setar, Kedah . He is known as the 'Bapa Kemerdekaan' of Malaysia . He died on December 16 1990 . He is Malaysia's fisrt prime minister of independent Malaya (1958-63) and then of Malaysia (1963-70), under whose leadership the newly formed government was stabilized .
After studies in England (1920–31), Abdul Rahman returned to Malaya to enter the Kedah civil service. In 1947 he returned to England, was called to the bar in 1949, and was appointed a deputy public prosecutor in the Malayan Federal Legal Department, a post he resigned in 1951 to begin a political career. He became president of the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) and effected the alliance of UMNO with the Malayan Chinese Association (1951) and with the Malayan Indian Congress (1955). His Alliance Party won an overwhelming majority in the election of 1955, and Abdul Rahman became chief minister and home minister of Malaya.
The mission he led to London (January 1956) to negotiate for independence secured immediate internal self-government and the pledge of independence by August 1957. When Malaya became independent, he became its first prime minister and foreign minister, and he continued in that post when the federation of Malaysia was formed in 1963.
In September 1970, one year after the outbreak of riots between the Chinese and the Malays following an election in which the Chinese had made gains, Abdul Rahman relinquished his post as prime minister and was succeeded by Abdul Razak.

Monday 13 February 2012


Assalamualaikum .
Well , about 2 weeks ago , my sister from UMS KK was having a holiday .
She went home and brought some CD's that I have not seen before .
So , I was interested with one of the CD titled 127 Hours wich is a TRUE STORY wich is my sister's favourite movie .
                                                                   ( THE COVER )
No doubt , the story is a little bit kind of boring untill you reach the middle part . Have you watch this awesome movie ? well , let me tell you the plot so you do not have  to buy the CD and you can save some money and , and , and you are not going  to  buy the piracy disc . Ehem ! 
Why you should buy the golden disc and not the purple disc ! HAHA !

On April 25, 2003, Aron Ralston prepares for a day of canyoneering in Utah's Canyoland National Park as he drives to the trailhead at night. The next morning he rides through the park on his mountain bike, aiming to cut 45 minutes off the guide book's estimate for the time needed to reach his destination. He is on foot, running along a bare rock formation when he sees two hikers, Kristi  and Megan , apparently lost. Ralston convinces the pair that he is a trail guide and offers to show them a much more interesting route than the one they had been trying to find. He leads them through narrow canyons, including a blind jump into an underground pool, where the three film themselves repeating the plunge using Ralston's video camera. As they part company, Kristi and Megan invite Ralston to a party they're holding the next night, and he promises to attend. However, they doubt he will show.                                                                  
 The story is a little bit kind of boring until you reach the part wich Ralston continues into Blue Jhon Cnyon through a narrow passage where boulders are suspended, wedged between the walls of rock. As he descends, one boulder is jarred loose, falling after Ralston to the bottom of the canyon and pinning his right arm against the canyon wall, trapping him. He initially yells for help, but the extreme isolation of his location means that nobody is within earshot. As he resigns himself to the fact that he is on his own, he begins recording a video diary on his camera and using his pocket multi-tool to attempt to chip away at the boulder. He also begins rationing his water and food.

As he realizes his efforts to chip away at the boulder are futile, he begins to attempt to cut into his arm, but finds his knife too dull to break his skin. He then stabs his arm, but realizes he will not be able to cut through the bone. He finds himself out of water and is forced to drink his own urine. His video logs become more and more desperate as he feels himself dying. He begins dreaming about relationships and past experiences, including a former lover , family , and the two hikers he met before his accident. After reflecting upon his life, he comes to the realization that everything he has done has led him to this ordeal, and that he was destined to die alone in the canyon.
After five days, Ralston sees his unborn son through a premonition. He gathers the will to apply enough force to his forearm to break it and eventually severs his arm with the dull knife, fashioning a crude tourniquet out of the insulation for his camelbak tube and using a carabiner to tighten it. He wraps the stump of his arm and takes a picture of the boulder that trapped him as he leaves it behind. He then makes his way out of the canyon, where he is forced to rappel down a 65 ft rockface and hike several miles before, exhausted and covered in blood, he finally runs into a family on a day hike. The family sends for help and Ralston is evacuated by a Utah Highway Patrol helicopter.
The film ends with shots of the real Aron Ralston from his life after his ordeal — including several of Ralston's further adventures in climbing and mountaineering, which he continued following the accident — and of Ralston with his wife, whom he met three years later, and their son, Leo, born in 2010. A title card that appears before the closing credits says that Ralston now always leaves a note whenever he goes anywhere alone.
What am I going to say about the story is , I am so impressed with this guy's spirit . If I were him , obviously I am not going to cut my own hand . I would be stay there forever and wait until a miracle comes . Well , if there is no miracle , hm . pity me . haha ! I RATHER DIE !

Sunday 12 February 2012

A man with a G-Shock

Assalamualaikum . =D
My favourite quote - " if a man wear a wrist watch , he will look like a gentleman"
that is so true .
So boys out there , what are you waiting for ?
go find a watch that suits with your skin or even suit with your taste !
Now , for me , G-Shock is such a perfect choice for them .
Thumbs up not just for the style , also for the quality .
G-Shock is a brand of watches manufactured by Casio, known for its resistance to shocks (e.g. hard knocks and strong vibrations). They were, and continue to be, designed primarily for sports, military, and outdoor adventure oriented activity; for example, practically all G-Shocks have some kind of stopwatch feature, countdown timer, light and water resistance. Recent models have become more luxury and design oriented as well as becoming very popular among youth.

The first G-Shock was the DW-5000C designed by an engineer working for Casio named Kikuo Ibe. It was released in April 1983. For the next few years Casio released a handful of new models each year. The Baby-G models were released in 1991. The popularity of G-Shocks increased rapidly throughout the 1990s. By 1998, 19 million G-Shocks had been sold worldwide, and there seemed to be a peak in demand as over 220 new models were released in that year alone. Casio has collaborated with many designers including Dee and Ricky, musicians and other pop culture luminaries to release hundreds of limited edition G-Shocks with custom designs. This long tradition of unique watches has helped build an avid following among collectors world-wide over the year.

(  G-Shock )

                                                  A classic white G-Shock GA100A-7A

Sunday 5 February 2012

Free Palestine~~

Assalamualaikum ..
Ok.. yesterday, i watch the news on TV3.. there’s an interview with the founder of VIVA Palestina, George Galloway .. the interview is about the war in Palestine,,, i guess .. hehe .. if you watch it, well that’s good but if you don’t, take a look at this ..
This is what he say during the interview ; “ i don’t think Israel should exist, so obviously i don’t want them to have nuclear weapons but as we know, they have hundreds of nuclear weapons and is endlessly rewarded. Iran doesn’t have any nuclear weapons and is openly being threatened of invasion and war, and is already suffering  because of restrictions. Now how’s that for a double standard ? “
If you want to hear more about the interview, click here- TV3 interview with George Galloway
Yap .. this is what he say during the interviews .. i think, the Israel should just free Palestine .. the people in the  country is suffering so much because of the war .. besides, why would they want to have war with Palestine ? i don’t see any good reason about that .. if they want war because of security, well that’s silly, cause what they’re doing right now, doesn’t guaranty any safety to the Palestine people .. well actually, i don’t really understand about what this war is all about because, i’m not too interested in politics .. hehe ..  i don’t know much about this issue, so i can’t write more about it,, but what i know, i am supporting the efforts to free Palestine .. just like Messi ! :)

huh !! he's my idol ..                                                                                                      

i hope you guys are supporting this effort as well .. hehe .. :) 
well,, i guess that's all for tonight .. i'm going off to bed now .. bye ! ;)